TRIPS with Steve O and Becca
TRIPS with Steve O and Becca
#18 - Finding Your WHY in Life
What’s your “why” in life? What do you think you were put on this Earth to do? Sometimes finding your “why” is really difficult, but if you keep looking, you’ll find it! Steve and Becca talk about their “why’s” in life, the struggles to find them, and some ideas to keep them at the front of their minds. Some good tools to help include:
1) Be religious about writing a gratitude list;
2) Meditation
3) Breathing exercises
4) Avoid things that bring you down (be honest with yourself!)
5) Surround yourself with the right people. You are the sum of the five closest people you surround yourself with.
6) Start out your days with Intentions. Journal to memorialize your thoughts.
7) Sleep Health
8) Go after what you’re passionate about
What’s one thing YOU do to help yourself with you “Why”?