TRIPS with Steve O and Becca
TRIPS with Steve O and Becca
#11 - Winter Blues
The Winter Blues can be debilitating!! It's dark outside earlier than normal. You're not spending enough time with family. You're not spending enough time with YOU! In this episode, we talk about what drives US nuts, and ways around it! We also throw out some CHALLENGES to YOU to help make this is a better winter than ever. Post your responses to our challenges in the comment section of your favorite podcast forum, or on on our FACEBOOK PRIVATE GROUP (Ohhhhhhh Yeahhhh)... TRIPS With Steve O and Becca. So, here are the challenges:
1) Post your current screen time from your phone. We're doing it, and we'll post it on Facebook. Don't be applaud. The goal is to improve that (reduce it) by 25% next month!
2) Make someone happy. Do a random act of kindness with no expectation of a return. Tell us what you did! Just imagine..... If we all did this just ONCE a day... where you made someone smile... How much better would the world be????
3) Nutrition. Let's face it. We ALL love the bad stuff. What if we were to show you a way to enjoy the good stuff that make you feel like you're having the bad stuff???? Check out one of our amazing Nutritionists by emailing him at drherbold@drherbold.com. Tell him what your concerns, hopes, and goals are. He will help you. How do we know? He helped Steve and his wife. In fact, he is the one that identified the leading indicators that Steve had some nasty things going on. He might actually owe his life to him.... Hmmmm. Think about that....